Someone Is Always Watching

Michael Rhoden
3 min readDec 30, 2020
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

How committed are you to your commitments?

Do you do everything you say you would?

Or do you change your mind depending on how you feel?

Listen, this has happened to me as well.

If we don’t do what we say we would when we said we would do it, how good is our word?

The truth is, if we don’t stay committed to exactly what we said, then our word is not good at all.

Let me explain.

On Saturday, I worked on my computer from 8 am to 11 pm.

On Sunday, I worked from 9 am to 12 midnight.

Throughout Sunday, my son kept coming into my office, asking when I was finished. After telling him that I was working multiple times and not sure when I finished, he finally said, “Dad, I want to play with you.”

So I told him that I would play with him first thing in the morning.

The next day I was back in my home office at 8 am. At 9:30 am, my son came in and said, “Dad, you said we could play in the morning.”

So I had a choice. Either honor my commitment to my son or continue working. My choice was easy, but sometimes it’s not easy to make that decision.

I work SO much for one reason. I am working every day to build my dream life for my family and me. So taking my foot off the gas pedal is a hard decision for me.

Yet, failing to keep a commitment to my son or family is much more challenging.

I want the best for my family. I want a life better than I have. Yet, to achieve that, I know I have to face many challenges and obstacles along the way. I have to learn from my mistakes and learn from others’ mistakes before making them myself.

The struggle is real, yet I also have to become a great role model for my son along the way.

I want him to grow up to and become the most elite version of himself. I want him to have the traits of a warrior, leader, and king. Yet, if I don’t show and teach him that, he will never develop those skills and attributes.

If I live my life by being lazy, a liar, and any other terrible trait, he will develop those as well.

My son and wife know I work hard to provide for them. Yet if I let my hard work ethic cause myself to go against my word, they will both not trust my representations or promises.

We are all spending most of our working adult life doing just that, working. Yet, we need to spend time with our family and group of friends leading them as well.

I say all this to show you how important it is to stay true to you and your word because someone is always watching.

The ones who are watching you are looking from afar to see you win. They are watching you know what you do when you lose. They are always watching.

The crazy thing is that the ones who are watching you the most are the ones who are close to you.

They are learning from you.

Remember, someone is always watching, and it is your job to influence and inspire others through your own life.



Michael Rhoden

After serving in the military for over ten years and still serving, I have found a passion for helping others grow personally and professionally.